Invisalign at Aesthetic Dental Studio

Invisalign straightens your teeth using series of nearly invisible, removable aligners, that are custom-made, specifically for your teeth. As you replace each aligner every two weeks, your teeth will be moving – little by little, week by week, gradually towards the projected final position.

Comfortable, clear and removable, Invisalign transforms your smile without disrupting your life. Something that over 10 million people worldwide have already discovered.

A woman shows her straighten whiten teeth

Free Consultation and Assessment

We are offering free consultation assessment and scan in our practice. Free online Zoom consultation are available.

Examine a tooth

iTero scanner for a 3D view of your smile

We use the state of the art iTero scanner to digitalise your smile and give you an instant simulation of your treatment result

Consultation at Aesthetic Dental Studio in Nottingham

Treatments starting from £2000

We accept all major credit and debit cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay and 0% interest free finance available.

Payment Options: Visa, MasterCard, Apple Pay, Google Pay

Your Invisalign treatment at Aesthetic Dental Studio

Beautiful Smile


Examination of the tooth

We start our journey with consultation with the dentist or the treatment co-ordinator. We will explain to you the treatment and the procedures for that. This can be done online via Free Zoom Consulation or you can Book an Appointment in our Practice 


Dentist scanning with iTero

In our practice, we will take some photos, do an assessment and scan your teeth. You will have in a few minutes a simulation of your treatment. We will discuss further your treatment, the procedure, the price and the payment options.

Treatment Plan

Then we will start your treatment plan bringing your teeth in the right position. When we will finalise your treatment plan, we will contact you and schedule an online appointment for demonstrating the final result.


Invisalign aligners fitted with the attachments present

In the online ClinCheck consultation, we will show you the treatment plan. This is a video showing before and after the result. We will discuss with you any questions that you have in that appointment. 

Aligners Fit

Doctor put an Invisalign aligner on the patient woman at Aesthetic Dental Studio

After you approve your treatment, the aligners will be ordered and when your first aligners are ready, we will make an appointment for you coming in the practice.  We will fit your aligners and we will give you instructions how to use them. 

Finishing the treatment

A heart made with two aligners Invisalign at Aesthetic Dental Studio

During the treatment we will see you every few weeks/months for assessing and checking the result every few stages. After the last aligners you will come for a review and for the retainers and whitening. 

Our Exclusive offer

Would you like to see our exclusive offer for Invisalign Treatment (£1000.00 discount and much more)?
Exclusive Offer